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Play or Pause Button Emoji


The "Play or Pause" multimedia control symbol, featuring a right-facing triangular shape (representing the "play" function) adjacent to a double vertical bar (denoting the "pause" function), is a versatile and widely recognized icon. This symbol was officially incorporated into the Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010 and subsequently included in the Emoji 1.0 specification in 2015, making it a prevalent and easily identifiable user interface element across a variety of digital platforms and applications. The combination of the "play" and "pause" graphical elements within this symbol allows users to intuitively control the playback of multimedia content, such as audio, video, or interactive presentations. This icon is commonly found in media players, online streaming services, and a wide range of software and mobile applications, empowering users to seamlessly manage the flow of digital media at their fingertips. The official name assigned to this symbol, "Black Right-Pointing Triangle with Double Vertical Bar," further highlights its distinctive visual characteristics and functionality. As a standard part of the Unicode and Emoji character sets, this icon is widely supported and can be easily integrated into a diverse range of digital experiences, enhancing the user interface and improving the overall interactivity and responsiveness of multimedia-centric applications.


black, right, pointing, triangle, with, double, vertical, bar, blue, square


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